Nonprofit List

List of Nonprofit Organizations

Are you looking for a list of nonprofit organizations that is organized by interest? Here is a partial list of non-profit organizations categorized according to specific focus areas. While some of the organizations could fall into numerous categories, each organization appears on the list only once and is categorized according to primary area of interest.

Advocacy Groups for Human Rights and Civil Liberties

These charities help people fight for their rights, either through legal advocacy or by providing education, awareness, and funding for human rights initiatives.

Animal Rights

Animal rights organizations seek to protect animals and their habitats through advocacy, as well as, action-based and educational initiatives.

Land Conservation and the Environment

These charities seek to protect the environment through education and conservation initiatives. Charities in these categories may focus on research, direct action, or political and legal advocacy.

General Emergency Relief

These organizations step in and provide relief during difficult times such as natural disaster and war.

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These organizations provide support for people forced to flee their homeland due to war, famine, political unrest, disease, and natural disaster.

Medical Assistance

These programs provide medical relief and assistance to people who may not otherwise have access to affordable care for financial, social, or geographical reasons. These organizations may also provide emergency medical relief.

Education, Research and Cultural Preservation Groups

These groups have specific missions geared towards improving education, providing more educational opportunities, promoting cultural awareness, or preserving the culture of specific populations.

Health: Research, and Education

These health foundations focus on research about specific illnesses. Many also have an educational component to enlighten people about prevention and management strategies.

Support for Chronic Illnesses and Diseases

These organizations provide financial, emotional, or medical support for people with chronic illnesses and their loved ones.

Cancer Support and Research

These cancer charities provide research and support for people with cancer and their loved ones. Support may include education and emotional support.

Support for Physical and Cognitive Disabilities

These charities provide financial support, education, and research for people with physical and mental disabilities, as well as their families.


These organizations help the economically disadvantaged around the world with an array of programs such as education, advocacy, health care, housing, and anti-hunger programs.

Feeding the Hungry

These charities fight hunger around the world by providing food, clean water, and funding.

Promoting Self Sufficiency

These charities help people help themselves through education, micro loans, and similar initiatives.

Impoverished Children

These charities help children around the world who live in poverty by providing food, medicine, and education.

Senior Citizens

These charities provide advocacy, education, and research for senior citizens.

Supporting Military and Veterans

These charities provide support services for those who serve our country, as well as their families. Services may include financial assistance, mental health care, and veterans services.

Supporting Fire Fighters and Police

These organizations provide advocacy and support for the civil servants who keep us safe.

Watchdog Groups

These organizations make sure public organizations like the government and the media are operating appropriately and with honesty and integrity.

Children and Youth

These charities support youth in a variety of ways, from providing constructive youth activities to advocating for children’s rights.


Women around the world face unique issues such as discrimination, domestic violence, and human trafficking. These charities support various women’s initiatives.

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